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Watch this video and more on Adam's World

Adam Gets The Flu

New Adam's World • 7m 59s

Up Next in New Adam's World

  • Adam and Aneesah’s Lemonade Stand

    Adam, Aneesah, Mama, and Dad hold a family “shura” meeting to decide where to give their Zakat. Adam and Aneesah set out to raise money so they can donate too.

  • Adam Stands Up to the Bully

    Adam finds out that two of his friends are being cyberbullied. He stands up to say enough and learns that Allah supports our efforts to race together for all that is good.

  • Adam's Nightmare

    Nightmares are scary! Adam is worried about his math test and recurring bad dreams take their toll on his sleep and his school work. Aneesah reminds him there is a way to get help from Allah!