New Adam's World

  • Practice Until You Love It

    Adam is fed up with math! A time out gives him the opportunity to get a pep talk from Dad and look at the challenges with a new attitude.

  • Aneesah Meets Santa

    A visit to the mall in December brings an opportunity for Aneesah to enjoy the holiday decorations and to learn about Santa. Her curiosity takes this story on an interesting twist! (5:39)

  • Lost at MuslimFest!

    The entire family was excited about attending MuslimFest this year. It's the biggest Muslim Arts festival in North America! But the excitement turned to panic when Aneesah suddenly turned up missing.

  • Ramadan Ready

    Adam and Aneesah are excited about decorating for Ramadan. The entire family gets involved in the preparations for the blessed month ahead.

  • Whats with the Watermelons?

    Adam noticed watermelons everywhere. They are a delicious summer treat but they are also of significance to the people of Palestine. Let Adam tell you why.

  • The Sound a Mouse Makes When It Farts

    Adam and his family are on a resort vacation. When they make a new friend with a physical disability, the entire family learn lessons about being sensitive to personal needs and differences and about being thankful for Allah's mercy.

  • The Good After the Bad

    Aneesah had a fight with her friends and now thinks she is a mean girl. Mama and Dad make it a teachable moment and it gives everyone an opportunity tot learn from the Islamic guidance to follow a bad deed with a good deed.

  • Harpreet Comes Over

    Adam's friend Harpreet comes over for a visit and the entire family learns a lesson in respecting differences.

  • Adam and Aneesah Meet Their Cousins

    Curious to see who Adam and Aneesah's cousins are? Watch this video to find out!

  • It’s a Salah-a-bration!

    Adam returns home from a Salah-a-bration party with lots of treats and excitement. He decided they should throw a party for Aneesah, too. Mama reminds both of them that the celebration is not just about fun but about reaching the age to pray five times a day.

  • Bad, Bad, Bad Bees

    Aneesah gets stung and decides she now hates bees! Mama and Adam work to help her appreciate the beauty of all of Allah's creation.

  • Mistakes are Important

    Adam hates making mistakes and gets into a tussle with Aneesah about striving for perfection. Mama and Dad both have much to say about that goal and how mistakes are the way all humans learn to be their best!

  • Off to Hajj They Don't Go

    Adam and Aneesah are scheduled to babysit little Sarah for three whole weeks while her parents go to Hajj. They have big plans about how to spend each and every day. But a change in plans teaches them that Allah is the best of planners!

  • Family Paint Night

    A trip to the library turns into an unexpected opportunity for Adam and his family to join a Family Paint Night event. Get a glimpse at the colorful results when each of them paints their version of the most beautiful scene.

  • Count Your Blessings

    Adam's day wasn't going as planned. He noticed his little sister Aneesah counting everything around her but didn't realize why at first. Come to find out, she was teaching him about being grateful!

  • Bad Dreams Be Gone!

    Have you ever had bad dreams? Adam does, too, and Dad teaches him how to safeguard against them. Believe it or not, it involves spitting!

  • Painting with Adam and Aneesah

    Aneesah is angry at Dad because he told her to clean her room. Adam reminds her that Dad does a lot to care for both of them and they should be thankful for it. Painting a nice picture is a way to say thank you.

  • Gumshoe Adam Was on the Case

    it's finally time for Adam to enjoy the delicious pizza that he baked but wait, it's gone missing! Gumshoe Adam goes looking for clues to find out just who may have stolen his pizza but ends up learning something far more valuable instead.

  • Welcome to Adam’s World

    When Adam can’t find agreement on what to do or his favorite smoothie, he asks “why can’t we all like the same things?” He then learns to celebrate and be grateful for differences!

  • Aneesah’s Potty Training Adventures

    Aneesah's growing up so the family helps her ditch her diapers and use the potty. While they're at it, Aneesah also learns that Allah created us and causes us to grow up in stages, one after the other.

  • Adam’s Day of Secret Charity

    Join Adam on his day of Secret Charity as he goes about helping everyone around him without letting them know it's him.

  • Adam’s New Bike

    When we're giving something away as a donation, we must always give what is best and what we would like for ourselves. Adam learns just that in this beautiful new episode of Adam's World featuring a wonderful song from brother Ilyas Mao.

  • Adam’s First Sleepover

    Adam can't wait for the sleepover but forgets one big detail! Watch to find out what it is!

  • Adam and the Never-ending Pot of Soup