Building Character and Good Manners

  • Practice Until You Love It

    Adam is fed up with math! A time out gives him the opportunity to get a pep talk from Dad and look at the challenges with a new attitude.

  • The Sound a Mouse Makes When It Farts

    Adam and his family are on a resort vacation. When they make a new friend with a physical disability, the entire family learn lessons about being sensitive to personal needs and differences and about being thankful for Allah's mercy.

  • Harpreet Comes Over

    Adam's friend Harpreet comes over for a visit and the entire family learns a lesson in respecting differences.

  • The Good After the Bad

    Aneesah had a fight with her friends and now thinks she is a mean girl. Mama and Dad make it a teachable moment and it gives everyone an opportunity tot learn from the Islamic guidance to follow a bad deed with a good deed.

  • Adam Learns about Germs

    Adam has a bad cold. When he spreads the virus to Aneesah and Mama, it is a good time for a lesson in preventing the spread of germs.

  • Adam’s Attitude of Gratitude

    Adam takes seriously his “Muslim job” of thanking Allah’s creation. Giving thanks to a bus driver, a good friend, or even parents is another way of showing gratitude to Allah for His blessings.

  • Mistakes are Important

    Adam hates making mistakes and gets into a tussle with Aneesah about striving for perfection. Mama and Dad both have much to say about that goal and how mistakes are the way all humans learn to be their best!

  • Adam vs. The Dark Side

    The Battle Between Good and Evil is taking place inside of Adam! Mama teaches him the ultimate secret to earning Allah’s pleasure and strengthening the Force. Can you guess what the secret is?

  • Adam’s School Project

    Adam makes a model of his favorite planet Mars and some cupcakes for school. When they mysteriously disappear, he has an opportunity to teach his little sister Aneesah a valuable lesson about making mistakes.

  • Adam Is Thankful

    Allah gives us more when we are thankful. Adam learns how to be thankful for everything.

  • Adam Stands Up to the Bully

    Adam finds out that two of his friends are being cyberbullied. He stands up to say enough and learns that Allah supports our efforts to race together for all that is good.

  • Adam Helps Everyone

    Adam is gathering donations to take to the food bank. In the process, he teaches Aneesah about the importance of taking care of others.

  • Adam & Aneesah Learn to Play Together

    Make-believe is a fun game! Adam and Aneesah use their imaginations to play together (or not)! Mama comes to the rescue with some good advice.

  • Adam Learns to Take Care of His Body

    Learn how to take care of your body with Adam in this fun short video.

  • Adam Learns Responsibility

    In this short video, Adam and Aneesah learns about the importance of responsibility.

  • Adam Learns Honesty

    Adams tries to get away with eating Aneesah's cookie. When one lie leads to another, he realizes that telling the truth is the best policy.

  • Adam Learns about Eating Together

    Adam has been extra hungry lately. Maybe it has something to do with the blessings that are found in his food. Learn more about the sunnahs associated with eating.

  • Adam Learns to be a Good Host

    Dad's friend from college comes for a visit. Adam gets a BIG lesson in "manscaping" and in the importance of being a good host.